Health and Risk Management Delivers
Health and Risk Management strategies are evolving bringing positive effects to workforces through lower workers compensation, healthcare, disability and litigation costs while increasing benefits and employee productivity. Close to 80% of all US companies will utilize healthcare-focused risk management strategies with estimated savings to be over 50 billion annually by 2021. Predictive Analytics provide spot on data in assessing risk management costs and strategies for turning deficit programs into resources.
Meridian HSN provides:
- System Optimization – Every organization is dependent on the efficiency of each of its individual systems and their ability to work as a cohesive unit. Discovering potential weaknesses allows you to strengthen your organization as a whole, thereby maximizing output, employee satisfaction and bottom lines.
- Clarification of Healthcare – Related Policies and Tax Benefits. Maximizing savings and being aware of ACA, EEOC, DOL, OSHA, Work Comp and Disability guidelines including built in incentives and tax laws.
- Decrease Risk expenditures and control Health Plan Costs
- Employee Prosperity – Providing employee education and addressing productivity; new avenues of integrated products and services that help manage high risk participants
- Implementation and Utilization – lower risk costs; higher productivity – 24/7 support utilizing national and local
- Risk Management Strategy – Modern Population Health, Healthcare-Related Policy, Benefits Integration, Claims and Data Integration (Medical, Pharmacy, Worker’s Comp and Biometrics), Predictive Analytics, Worker’s Comp Analysis, Wellness Best Practices and Systems Optimization
- Simple hands-on solutions can take your current health and risk management investments and increase your return up to $10 to $1 for maximum utilization and savings
- As part of our service introduction we provide prospective clients a free customized Risk Reduction Outline. Your customized outline will provide you with valuable next steps in implementing a strategy including projected return on investment models specific to your organization.
Request your Free Customized Risk Assessment – CLICK HERE
Questions? Call Meridian HSN at 1-800-994-1143